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Iran animation lands in Canada

Iranian film ‘The Shadow which Turned into Light’ by Nazanin Sobhan Sarbandi is to vie at Montreal International Children’s Film Festival.

‘The Shadow which Turned into Light’ is an animated piece to compete at the 20th edition of FIFEM (Festival International du Film pour Enfants de Montréal) from March 4 to March 12, 2017 in Montreal, Canada.

According to Iran’s Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults, the film produced 2016 by the institute has been selected for the festival’s official competition.

‘The Shadow which Turned into Light’ depicts the story of a shadow play artist who performs at an amusement park. One day, his own shadow refuses to leave trying to get him to continue the play.

The Montreal International Children's Film Festival (better known under its French acronym FIFEM) hosts in its latest edition, films from countries such as Iran, Belgium, France, Brazil, New Zealand and Canada. The event is a children’s film festival organized in the Canadian city of Montreal aiming to select the best films dedicated to children around the world.

Sarbandi (1949) is an animator and film director from Iran. She studied graphic design at Tehran University. Her animated works include commercials and her own short authorial films such as Footprint (1979), Union (1989), Address (2006), Zero (2010) and Kind Moon (2011).

